
Connect Mi

Connect Mi is a fake company name to protect our client’s identity.

Our Role

Backend Development
Frontend Development
UI/UX Services


we helped connect mi push shopify’s limitations and built a store offering customers products with multiple options, scheduled installations, and service subscriptions all in one place.

Problem Statement

As flexible and powerful Shopify is, it did not fully meet the project requirements this customer had.

Connect Mi needed a solution which allowed them to offer customers a way to buy products, schedule installation dates, and subscribe to service subscriptions. We built integrations between Connect Mi’s Shopify account and Recurly’s API.

project goals

  1. Review the provided mockups for a streamlined user experience
  2. Provide a seamless checkout process that accounts for service and product sales.
  3. Integrate with pre-existing tools to minimize workflow impact.
  4. Stretch out of the box capabilities to meet client requirements.
  5. Steamroll a tight deadline with a large, coordinated team effort.
  6. Provide training and document for client owned future maintenance.
Product Detail

Software Used

Visual Studio Code

development languages used






backend frameworks & libraries used



Bull (Redis)







frontend libraries & frameworks used








Research Methods

Discovery Workshops

Internal Business Analysis

Internal Stakeholder Interviews

Tools Used

AWS Fargate

AWS S3/Cloudfront


Bold Product Options

New Relic

TV Flow

key focus areas

How can we use customer pain points to streamline our approach?

How do we provide an intuitive checkout experience?

How can we leverage and maximize existing tools for an efficient workflow?

What are the best methods to push Shopify’s limits with deep customizations?

On a very strict deadline, how do we unify multiple teams unique workflows to minimize duplicate efforts?

How can 729 provide the most comprehensive training and documentation for future client-owned maintenance?

core client needs

Very tight turn around
Connect Mi needed fully functioning features in front of their customers in record time.

Technology Requirements
Our client was bound to Shopify and Recurly, so they needed a custom solution that leveraged both in the most efficient way.

Stakeholder alignment
All teams and stakeholders needed to be moving in unison to meet the tight deadline.

UI/UX and Design Consulting
This client had a good start to the design process, but needed consulting to bring all the pieces together and across the finish line.

TV Flow


When building for Shopify, team workflow and project structure are critical! With multiple developers from multiple teams contributing hourly, version control and peer review is a must. To accomplish our goals in this potentially messy situation, we took a step back – reviewed client pain points, and designed a process that aligned all teams and stakeholders in a targeted way with open lines and frequent communication. With this fine-tuned workflow, we exercised an “all hands on deck” approach that allowed us to work and communicate together efficiently to meet the tight deadline.

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